12 Things About Bicom Systems – Holiday Edition

Written By Bicom Systems Team

Our greatest insights are brought to you with heartfelt devotion. We hope you’ll enjoy your read!

The holiday season is upon us and we wanted to share with you some fun facts and accomplishments that 2018 has given us.

2018 has been a year to remember and what better way to reflect on it then putting it in song!

(Humm to the tune ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’)

During 2018, Bicom Systems now has…

12 New Employees

11 New Case Studies

Attended 10 Trade Shows

Student Interns

8 Teams for Development

7 Great Products

6 Office Locations

5 Account Managers

We have had..

4 Live Webinars

Team Building Trips

2 Holiday Sales


New Office Opening

We are looking forward to an even better 2019.
Cheers to you and yours from the team at Bicom Systems!
