Bicom Systems is one of the Signatories of the Women Empowerment Principles

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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In August 2021, Bicom Systems became a WEPs – Women Empowerment Principles – signatory.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of principles offering guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Established by UN Global Compact and UN Women, the WEPs are informed by international labor and human rights standards and grounded in recognizing that businesses have a stake in, and responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Being responsible toward employees, business partners, and the local community is the basis of good business. With the support of ITGirls, joining WEPs consists of filling out a survey and creating a three-year action plan that can be adapted to the company’s needs. There are opportunities for many collaborations to strengthen equal rights for all in the IT sector. 

We are proud to join a project like this, supported by the United Nations. The Bicom Systems company has over 150 employees on almost all continents, and we are happy to see how the number of women in our team is growing. Signing the “Women Empowerment Principles” and establishing partnerships will greatly help implement our future projects. We want to encourage all girls to pursue science and showcase how their energy and ability are necessary for the IT sector“. – said Bicom Systems.

In the coming period, the ITGirls initiative will be available to companies when creating and implementing planned activities and networking with potential partners.

By closing gender gaps, companies have the opportunity to increase the productivity of their employees and influence their retention as long as possible. According to McKinsey Global Institute research, the world economy could gain 28 trillion dollars by 2025 if women and men participated equally. By signing the Principles for the Empowerment of Women, companies can bring together their shareholders and drive change in the workplace, market, and community through a framework of seven principles. The principles for women’s empowerment are a guide to sustainable business, innovation, and productivity. Thousands of people and companies in every sector become part of this worldwide movement and become models for attracting talent, improving their communities, and entering new markets. We are pleased to see that Bicom Systems also supports the implementation of WEPs, and we are looking forward to future cooperation”, said Zerina Mandžo from ITGirls.

We at Bicom Systems will continue investing in young people, providing an opportunity to work on globally competitive products, and providing great and equal rights for everyone in the company.

This blog post was written by Sadzida Cenanovic, an Employer Branding Associate at Bicom Systems. 

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