More Than a Switch: How to Change Vendors Without Disrupting Your Business

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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As you pursue innovation and growth for your business in a rapidly changing industry, switching telephony vendors may become an inevitable, though cumbersome, task on your checklist.

Perhaps you started with a low-cost or free provider that simply cannot support the level of growth you desire. Perhaps your existing provider is lacking in features, innovation, or support. Or perhaps the solution powering your business is set to terminate its service, as is the case of Mitel’s MiCloud.

MiCloud Business is set to expire on June 30 of this year – just two months away. Whether you are switching from Mitel or another provider, we want to help. Keep reading to learn what to look for when switching providers and what sets Bicom Systems apart.

There are a few key areas to assess when switching to a new telephony vendor. 

Forwarding-Thinking Features

Obviously you want to make sure your new vendor offers all of the features you and your customers are accustomed to. But even more important than that, is looking for a vendor that has innovative features.

 You want to partner with a company that has a pulse on the future of the industry and is paced to stay ahead of the competition in adopting new trends and technologies.

In addition to the basics, we recommend choosing a vendor that offers:

  • Video meetings
  • Comprehensive mobility
  • Omnichannel options
  • Security measures
  • Scalability

These features are signs that the business is not falling behind on new trends and prioritizes future-proofing their solution and your business.

Spoiler alert: Bicom Systems offers all of the above features and more.

Partnership, Support, and a Transition Plan

Features and solutions aside, look for a provider that will be a true partner to your business. Having a team of individuals with high levels of experience in the industry that is rooting for your success is invaluable.

Be sure to ask about support before signing on with a vendor. How big is the support team? When are they available? What kinds of issues will they resolve for you? And once the deployment and training phase is over, who will be your contact in the company? Look for a vendor that wants to come alongside you as a long-term partner with support and resources that surpass your expectations.

Do not forget to ask about a transition plan. Migrating to a new solution is a big deal, and you want to avoid downtime and hiccups for your customers. Find a vendor that instills confidence in you with their to ensure swift changes and communications continuity.

At Bicom Systems, our in-house support and success teams have transition plans in place to support fast, seamless migrations. Read 5 Reasons Switching to Bicom is so Fast here.

Hardware Compatibility

As you make that transition, what will happen with your existing handsets and other devices? Will they remain compatible with the new system or will you be forced to purchase new hardware? 

Definitely do not settle for a provider that requires you to upgrade your hardware, unless it is truly antiquated and no longer useful. Hardware compatibility is another sign of a business’s agility and ability to evolve into the future.

You can find a list of Bicom System’s supported endpoints here, note that Mitel hardware is on the list.

Financial Impact

Finally, you must consider the financial implications of your move. What will be due up front? What will your new expenses be? How does this compare to your previous budget?

Bicom Systems solutions are extremely flexible and scalable, so we can meet new partners where they are at. Start as small as you need and grow as big as you are able, paying for only what you need throughout your journey.

Now may be the perfect time to make the switch because our annual Spring Sale Event is coming up in May! We cannot let you in on the details yet, but the discounts are stellar and we will have something for everyone. Contact us to begin your transition today.

Bicom Systems webinar

With those basic criteria and your infinite ideas and hopes in mind, we present the Bicom Systems Platform. A complete communications suite, the Bicom Platform gives you all of the pieces needed to run and grow your company.

From PBX to Call Center to Unified Communications, our white label, fully customizable solutions are based on over 20 years of experience in the industry and partner feedback.

In-House Support & Partner Programs

What is even better than our products and solutions? The fact that they are backed by 100% in-house development and support. 

All of our software is created by our seasoned team of developers based on real feedback and customer requests. We strive to release new versions regularly with the latest features and technologies that our partners need to stay ahead on the market.

Our in-house support team is made up of individuals throughout our global offices to maximize availability and give our partners peace-of-mind that someone is always ready to jump on live chat or a phone call to address issues and questions.

For partners that are particularly dedicated to growth, our Partners Program gives access to additional training, support, and resources to support their success. 

From our highly experienced Account Managers to our Customer Success team to our Support team, you will be in good hands as we ensure a quick, easy, and risk-free transition. We cannot wait to support your ongoing journey to growth and success.

Focus on Security

While no telephony vendor is immune to cybersecurity risks (and you should not believe any provider that claims they are), prioritizing a focus on security goes a long way in protecting partners, customers, and data.

Bicom Systems takes security seriously and our developers are constantly working to incorporate the latest safeguards and precautionary technologies into our products. sipPROT is our dedicated SIP Protection module, using advanced detection techniques to monitor SIP packs in real-time and take action at the first sign of a threat.

Most importantly, we are transparent about cybersecurity and our approach to keeping our partners and their data safe. Learn more in 12 Features that Keep our Partners Secure.

Innovative Features

As we mentioned previously, your search for a new vendor should include questions about features and particularly new and upcoming features that reflect the business’s focus on innovation. At Bicom Systems, innovation is ingrained into everything we do.

In the first few months of 2024 we have already launched two major new releases with features and capabilities that our customers have been requesting. 

Version 7.1 brought our groundbreaking omnichannel add-on, meticulously crafted to seamlessly unify customer interactions across communication channels to boost satisfaction and growth. And our updates to SERVERware and sipPROT gave our partners new insight, transparency, and control over their servers and security.

And of course our Meeting solution, mobile unified communications, and true multi-tenancy are old news to our partners who are accustomed to getting the latest features as soon as they hit the market.

White Label Products

All of our solutions are white label so that you can take them to market as your own. We want you to have complete control over pricing, marketing, and your customer relationships so that you can grow your own brand.

We never ask for end user contact information or make our pricing public, so as not to compromise your control and ability to earn a higher profit margin. We believe in supporting your success as your own brand so that we can grow together.

Flexible Deployment Options

Last but certainly not least, Bicom Systems supports different deployment options to fit your unique business needs. While we all know and love the benefits of cloud computing, we know that some businesses still benefit from on-premise solutions. So we offer on-site, hosted, and hybrid solutions.

Ready to get started? Contact us to start a no-strings-attached conversation about your business and your plans for the future. 

Or learn more in our webinar: Strategic Benefits of Partnering with a UC Software Manufacturer: Bicom Systems.