Leading ICT Company in Practice with Bicom Systems

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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icon-bicom-systemseing the best requires working with the best. ICT is not readily available in every corner of the world. And where it is, it is more often than not missing the specifications your company needs to be a leading competitor in the industry. For Centracom, this was their primary headache. Founded in South Africa in 2008, their goal was to be the chief providers of ICT through replacing obsolete technology by the more advanced VoIP.

In order for Centracom to achieve objective, they needed to find a vendor of unified communications solutions that was reliable, efficient, and highly responsive due to the nature of the industry they operated in and their location.

Through a simple Google search, Centracom’s IT Manager found Bicom Systems with perfect ease. What made Bicom the optimal choice was the competitive advantage it possessed by having representatives worldwide, being transparent enough to grant Centracom a trail period with it’s products, and being able to customize the offering to their customer’s needs.

Centracom was so pleased with this service, that they have decided to continue the partnership with Bicom Systems, and even grow it further.

Read the Centracom Case Study here:
