4 Ways VoIP Wins More Customers

Written By Edin Alic

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voipThe benefits of VoIP are abundant and we have discussed them countless times before. IT Toolbox shared a few more benefits with a unique focus – winning new customers. We thought they were worth sharing here:

1. Toll-Free Numbers – Calling may be the first point-of-contact for many of your prospective customers, so make a good first impression by making the call free. VoIP supports toll-free numbers less expensively than PSTN.

2. Messages-On-Hold – We try to avoid placing customers on hold at all costs, but sometimes it is inevitable. Make the most of hold times by playing advertisements for your products or latest promos rather than music.

3. Custom Auto-Attendant – VoIP Auto-Attendant can do so much more than simply answer calls. Customize your Auto-Attendant to interact with the caller and direct calls more efficiently and quickly.

4. Click-to-Call Services – Placing a click-to-call number on your website, promotional emails, social media, and all other online presences makes it simple and easy for prospects to call as soon as their interest is piqued.

These and more features are available in our VoIP software solutions. Learn more on our products page.