I’ve been with Bicom for almost two months now and have spoken with a few companies who use FREEPBX and regret it. Granted, it’s “free” at first, but then when you run into the problem of who will help you..
Support is $150 / hour and who knows how long it will take to get your issue fixed.
One thing a good friend of mine who is an HVAC tech says: “Pay me now or pay me later (plus whatever you invested in your first purchase)”.
The costs that people have sunk into set-up / training and 1 year of support issues with FREEPBX is almost as much as our PBXware solution for a small company. Not so free after all, is it?
I would be more than happy to talk with you and show you how PBXware is that much better for your company in terms of both features and support.
Oh yeah, did I mention that our support contracts give you UNLIMITED support tickets?
Do it right the first time! You get what you pay for.