V6 Coming Soon!
Coming soon to a cloud near you: A project we’ve been working on called

Bicom Systems and Ubuntu Share the Same Code!
Faruk Kasumovic is a Product Lead/Owner on the SERVERware team at Bicom Systems. He

Our Software. Your Infrastructure! Part 2
Welcome back to part two of our interview with Cian Maher, CTO of Intellicom,

Our Software. Your Infrastructure! Part 1
With the way technology is evolving today, it may seem like the Cloud is

Why Small Details Matter
I am here to tell you that small details matter! People always say, ‘don’t

¿Que es una línea troncal?
En la telefonía, una línea troncal es un circuito que conecta las centrales telefónicas

A day in the life using gloCOM
I’d like to think my job isn’t too hard. I come to work, hang

A Contact Center Nightmare
Recently I had the pleasure pain of dealing with an inbound/outbound contact center. Long

Happy NOT to need a Proxy
Want to know what sucks? Working remotely and forgetting your proxy. 🤦♂️ I personally

SOCS uses gloCOM GO to Save the Day!
SOCS, also known as Southern Ohio Communications Services, is an internet and communications provider,