Cyber Monday Sale!

Written By admin

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Lines. Crowds. Rushing. Waiting. The occasional fight. Welcome to the joys of Black Friday. All things that can be avoided with Cyber Monday!

The official definition (as per the Dictionary) of Cyber Monday is:
Cy·ber Mon·day
1. the Monday following Thanksgiving, promoted by online retailers as a day for exceptional bargains.

And that is exactly what we are doing. Giving you an exceptional bargain! This year for Cyber Monday, Bicom Systems is offering a ‘Buy One Get One FREE’  sale for our PBXware extension subscriptions.

This offer is good for up to 500 extensions. So if you buy 50 extensions we will give you 50. If you buy 100, we will give you 100. If you buy 500 we will give you 500!

If you were still thinking of getting our PBXware, now would be a perfect time. This deal is valid for not only new but existing customers too. Want to learn more about this sale? Click here.

The best part is, you do not have to wait until Monday. We launched our sale early just for you! From now until November 26 at 11:59 pm EST you can take part in this huge sale.

So, what are you waiting for? Email us now at with the subject line ‘Cyber Monday’ to place your order!

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