5 Reasons to Choose Bicom Systems

5 Reasons to Choose Bicom Systems

At the risk of ‘tooting our own horn’, we jotted down some recent comments made by partners that chose Bicom Systems over our competitors. We hope these will help other telecoms stuck in the decision-making process. 1. Integrated Billing Software A key part of our unified communications suite is TELCOware, our provisioning platform. Our partners

Take Back Your Time With Multi-Tenant PBX

Once upon a time, a telecom start-up chose the least expensive PBX system and began to build. As the hard work began to pay off, the telecom grew while the PBX system stayed the same. Each new sale was progressively less exciting because of the time and effort it would take to purchase and host

What is a PBX System?


A PBX System (Private Branch Exchange System) is a telephony solution that connects internal users to one another and to an outside PSTN telephone line. PBXs are used within organizations or enterprises to simplify communications and lessen costs. As with all technology, PBX systems have evolved with new trends. IP PBX uses Internet Protocol or VoIP

How to Increase Call Center Productivity & Efficiency

PBX Call Center Software The goal of any call center is to handle the maximum call volume as efficiently as possible. This means answering and resolving all calls favorably and quickly. While this may have been more difficult in the past, PBX call center software makes this possible for call centers across the globe today.

Softphone or Mobile – A Third Option

VoIP News brings up an interesting quandary for businesses: softphones or mobile phones? They discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option: Everyone already has a mobile phone, so it makes sense to use them. BYOD is so popular already. And for employees that spend time working out of the office, a mobile phone is a

What is Unified Communications?

Unified Communications is an indispensable business tool that integrates all of your communications into one simplified and enhanced interface. The result of an increasing number of communication tools and gadgets, Unified Communications has become a necessity to juggle so many inboxes and modes of communication in today’s business world. From your phone line to instant

How to Move On From Nortel

Nortel (also known as Nortel Norstar or Meridian Phone Systems) customers are facing a crossroads and must begin making decisions about their future. The world of telephony is overwhelming and many leaving Nortel Networks and BCM 50 are unsure which direction to move. The decision is made a little easier by Life After Nortel: SMB

What is Multi-Tenancy?

Multi-Tenancy architecture allows multiple users to operate in the same ‘Cloud’. It is an economical way to serve many End Users at once. Single-Tenancy, on the other hand, refers to an architecture that provides one solution for one single user. Multi-tenancy is defined as a “share instance”, which contrasts with traditional “multiple instances”. Multiple instances

What is a Softswitch?

Having passed from live operators to automated hardware devices, most telephony switches introduced today are in effect central devices in a telecommunications network using software on open standards hardware. These softswitch have greatly reduced cost and increased functionality to an extent that we are only beginning to know & understand. In many parts of the