Unified Communications: Beyond Telephony

Unified Communications: Beyond Telephony

Unified Communications works great for telephony and voice. It makes communicating fast, easy, and efficient. But a good UC solution should be doing much more than just telephony. Unified Communications can support and improve your business in many aspects. Collaboration More than just a buzzword, collaboration is key to productivity in the workplace. Unified Communications solutions

What is a Key System?

A Key System – also known as a Key Telephone System (KTS) – is a very basic and traditional form of telephony primarily used by small and medium businesses. Ideal for businesses with less than 30 users, traditional Key Systems include a central controller and multiple telephones. Each telephone has a button for every phone line. Key

Telecommuting Benefit 4: Savings

We’ve now discussed three benefits of VoIP telecommuting: better employees, increased employee retention, and productivity. Today let’s take a look at the savings that results from telecommuting. Supporting individual telecommuters is much more cost-effective than supporting entire offices that require more hardware, furniture, even office space. VoIP telecommuting via gloCOM makes it even more cost-effective with less spending and

Telecommuting Benefit 3: Productivity & Collaboration

Our previous post in the Benefits of Telecommuting series looked at increased employee retention. Today we’ll discuss how a VoIP application like gloCOM causes productivity & teamwork to increase as well. The biggest factor in guaranteeing productivity and collaboration among remote workers is presence. Using the presence feature on gloCOM, supervisors and coworkers are able to monitor who is online

Effective Telecommuting with gloCOM

While telecommuting has existed for years and years, it has never been as effective and productive as it is today thanks to VoIP and Unified Communications. With benefits to both employees and employers, telecommuting is a real option today using UC tools such as gloCOM. A few major trends have made effective telecommuting not only possible, but maybe even the best

What is Cloud Communications?

We talk about “THE CLOUD” all the time, but what exactly does that mean? Like clouds themselves, “the cloud” is something beyond our reach that we may not understand completely. By definition, the cloud is a network of servers that are hosted by a third-party and can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet. So

3 Trends in Call Center Technology

Call Centers that are thriving in 2016 pay attention to new trends and embrace new technology. In a world where innovation is happening every single day, businesses cannot afford to fall behind the trends. Call Center Software is constantly evolving to keep up with new technology. Let’s take a look at a few trends for

Hosted PBX vs On-Site PBX

The Hosted PBX vs On-Premise PBX debate is a recurring theme on this blog, so when we saw an elaborate infographic on just that topic we knew we had to share it here! No Jitter shared a Hosted PBX or On-Site infographic with some great information. View the graphic here. In summary: Hosted PBX is a

5 Reasons to Choose On-Premise PBX

We discussed some of the benefits of a Cloud PBX System in a previous blog post, so today we’ll discuss the benefits of choosing an On-Premise PBX system. #1 OWNERSHIP Traditionally, phone systems have always been purchased and owned. If this precedent has worked well for your business, there is no reason to change now. Owning