4 Tips for Storytelling in Sales

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If you work in sales, you should be one of the best storytellers. Why? Well, the obvious reason is that stories are fun! But mainly because storytelling allows salespeople to get creative with their sales pitch. 

Think about the different sales pitches you have heard in your life. Would you prefer bland stats and industry standards? Or would you like to hear personality and something relatable?

Storytelling adds emotion to your pitch and delivers visual and relatable outcomes that look attainable to potential customers. By reading these four tips, learn how to enhance your next pitch with storytelling. 

1. Define the Takeaway

What is it you want your listeners to gain? How do you want them to feel? Why should they even listen to you?

Answer these questions and establish the main takeaway of why you are connecting with someone. Have your goal in mind, and do not stray from the topic. Defining the main takeaway will make it easier to structure your story. 

2. Structure

Now that you have your main takeaway, it is time to structure your story. All good stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Of course, it goes much deeper than that, but the middle of the story is where readers reach the climax. Also known as the rising action, the climax is the highest point of the emotion where the person(s) in the story reaches a conflict or hurdle. After the climax, we address the issue at hand with the resolution. The struggle is over, the problem is solved, and we can coast to the conclusion. 

You can deliver one of the best storytelling experiences by implementing a proper structure. Everyone loves a feel-good story, but you must overcome an issue to receive a happy ending. 

A good tip for resellers is to use a case study from one of their existing customers. Showcase the problem the customer was facing (the climax) and how your solutions solved the problem! (the resolution).  

3. Personalize the Story

If you can add a personalized touch to your story, leads will eat it up! Even though you are contacting decision-makers in the same industry, they do not all think alike. In fact, people are so different from one another that one sales pitch may work extremely well on some and others not so much. 

Do your due diligence and learn key facts about the person, so your pitch is highly personalized. Use the person’s name, examples, and experiences to tailor the story. Mention your connection with past customers who remind you of them. Although they seem small, the little personal touches will make a huge difference. 

4. Keep it Simple

The last point, but probably the most important, is to keep your story simple. You want to ensure your lead clearly understands your takeaway and that they will remember it. Therefore, avoid using technical jargon, swaying from the main point, and adding unnecessary details to the story. 

By keeping it simple, you’ll keep your listeners engaged with the message and allow them time to ask any follow-up questions.  

A Great Example

After considering these tips, take a look at this example of a great story. A long-time partner of Bicom Systems, SOCS (Southern Ohio Communication Services), saves the day for one of their customers, a local police station.

Explore the issue and learn how SOCS swiftly solves a problem using their solutions. Oh, and the fact they did this in only FOUR hours!

Share this blog post on social media and let us know your favorite sales pitch that is told like a story. Visit our website for more information on Bicom Systems and how you can become a partner. 

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