UCaaS: The Key To The Gates Of Modern Business Communication

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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In this day and age, communication is one of the core building blocks of a successful business, which is why it is important to ensure that this building block remains flexible and easy to use.

It is no longer desirable nor efficient to only have a single method of communication.

Businesses need to diversify their options to keep up with the constantly shifting field of company communication.

That is why top businesses have decided to upgrade to a solution that brings many forms of communication together, a UCaaS solution, better known as unified communications as a service.

However, it is not enough to simply tack extra forms of communication on; a business needs a central system to manage it all and have it intertwined to create a truly unified form of communication.

A Ripe Market With Lots Of Options

Seeing as quality communication is an important part of business infrastructure, it is no wonder that the market is absolutely flooded with options. This can make it hard to figure out which one best suits your client’s needs.

For that reason, it is important to know what you are selling to them and why that should matter to them.

Competition is tough after all, and you will need every edge you can get to push ahead of them.

But What Is UCaaS Exactly?

The first thing you need to know is what exactly UCaaS is.

It stands for unified communications as a service, one that is cloud-based and supports a wide range of communication options between company employees.

The basic means of communication that are covered are:

  • Cell phones
  • IP phones
  • Fax messaging
  • Audio/video calls
  • Conference calls

All of it is managed by a centralized platform, a platform that also tracks the current status of the client’s employees, allowing operators to better manage their workload.

Hire Remote Agents

Another strong point for UCaaS services is the fact that company employees can stay in touch with the main offices and other team members no matter where they are due to the ability to manage different means of communication over one platform.

Also, this opens up the possibility of a much larger candidate pool during the hiring process, resulting in higher quality employees overall.

Not only that, but remote work is slowly becoming a staple of modern business, giving workers the option to work from home or when they are out of town.

Thus, when giving them access to the same functionalities as they would have had in the office, they work under a lot less stress simply because they are given more freedom in creating a more comfortable work dynamic.

With all that in mind, companies with strong remote work or hybrid policies are likely the best candidates for a UCaaS solution.

Cheap To Maintain And Operate Without Performance Loss

Price is one of the touchier subjects when negotiating a deal, but, in this case, UCaaS solutions have a massive edge over alternatives that rely on on-site installation.

If you choose a UCaaS solution, a client does not need to pay any extra fees to purchase the necessary hardware to house such a system and instead relays the costs to the designated UCaaS provider.

All they need to worry about is having a decent internet connection to properly connect to the cloud and access all of the system’s features.

This also applies to any security measures. The client need not worry about it as the UCaaS provider is the one responsible for safeguarding their data.

Implementation costs are further reduced both upfront and later down the line should the client choose to scale their business up.

This is due to how easy it is to set initial and additional accounts up over the cloud compared to the older method of having to install extra hardware telephony lines to connect new users to the network.

Seamless Integration Into Existing Infrastructure

Finally, existing systems can be hard to replace. They often require a lot of pre-planning and restructuring before implementation.

However, a good UCaaS system should be able to integrate itself seamlessly into existing communication infrastructure within the company with little to no fuss.

The less adjustment or replacement needed, the better the system is overall as it means less downtime and overall service disruption.

There is a bit of a learning curve to get adjusted to a new system, but that comes naturally with any change within the company, though said learning curve tends to be rather short.

How Does A UCaaS System Manage To Do All Of This?

The simple answer is one that was already mentioned above: the cloud.

Having access to the internet with certain safeguards rather than being constrained to a closed system allows a UCaaS platform the added flexibility which allows it to perform all of these tasks efficiently.

With internet access, any VoIP telephony routing becomes an absolute breeze.

What Is The Best UCaaS Platform Then?

While there are many solid candidates, our own UCaaS platform, PBXware, is one of the best options on the current market.

The Same, But Better

It manages all of the features that any high caliber UCaaS platform can perform, but is also made with small and medium businesses in mind, as well as their respective employees.

Making Data Make Sense

It trims out all unnecessary data to prevent information bloat and instead presents it in an easy-to-read and intuitive manner.

Also, PBXware is offered in a number of different editions where this data is further customized to fit specific business needs depending on edition choice.

Plays Well With Existing Setups

On top of that, we have made sure that integration with almost any system is made easy as PBXware pairs itself well with most of the popular CRMs and IP phone brands.

This leads to minimal downtime, allowing clients to continue providing their services to their end users within minutes.

Put A Label On It

Of course, there is the added benefit for UCaaS providers where you can either opt for our branded option, or go for the white label package where we provide you with the solution with your name plastered all over it.

The Foundation For Something Bigger

Just as communication is the cornerstone of any business, so too is PBXware the cornerstone of a truly unified Bicom Systems communications solution.

Paired together with Bicom Systems’ other products, PBXware gains enhanced communication functionality from gloCOM, SIP attack protection from sipPROT, and server safety measures and data protection with SERVERware.

The Power Of Unified Communications As A Service

As you can see, UCaaS is definitely making strides in helping modernize business communication worldwide.

While there are some aspects of UCaaS services that are not as good as an on-site alternative, namely personal security parameters, the overall benefits outweigh most detriments.

That said, it all depends from one business to another.

Regardless, we believe that PBXware is one of the best UCaaS solutions on the market that ticks every box.

Of course, for businesses that prefer a UC on-premise solution, Bicom Systems has offers that can cover that just as well.

If you would like to see that for yourself, feel free to Contact Us or Request a Demo of the product. Until then!