10 Tips to Polish Your Communication Skills

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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Today, the ways you can communicate with someone are endless! Call them, leave a voicemail, send them a message, video chat, send a text, I could keep listing options. But instead of telling you how you can communicate, I thought we should use this time to talk about improving your communication. 

Take a look at ten tips that will improve your communication for phone, chat, text, email, and even voicemail! 

1. Plan Before You Call 

You may think you do a better sales pitch when you’ wing’ it, but trust me, you should outline what you will say before placing the call. The last thing you want to do is forget the prospect’s name!  

2. Use their Name 

Speaking of the prospect’s name, start using it! Make the conversation more personable, and the customer will feel more valued by frequently using their name in conversation. If the caller seems distracted or doesn’t listen, using their name will bring them back into focus. 

3. Stay Focused 

If you expect the prospect to give you their full attention, you need to do the same! Avoid multitasking or the risk of getting distracted. The conversation should be your primary focus from beginning to end. Silence alerts and shut your office door, making your coworkers aware you are on a call. 

4. Speak Properly 

Of course, you want to feel connected and make the conversation feel casual. But it is essential not to be too casual. Avoid using slang or swear words. Speak clear, slow, and in a consistent tone. You’re not talking to your pal about your weekend plans. You are trying to close a sale.

5. Master the Switch Off 

When you transfer the caller to another agent, account manager, or department, make sure they are available! Share the details you have of the caller, so they are up to speed on what is going on. The more seamless of a transition, the more confident the caller will be in your company. 

6. Be Honest 

If you do not know the answer to a question, do not lie. Be honest, say you will find out and get back to them. It will help you in the future when another prospect asks you the same question, but this time you’ll have the answer! 

7. Proofread 

When communicating via email or text, it is vital that you proofread before hitting send. Be cautious of grammatical errors and punctuation. Written communication doesn’t offer the tone, so you must be careful you come off how you would if you were speaking with someone in person. 

8. Respect the Way Others Communicate 

Don’t answer a text with a phone call. Don’t waste someone’s time with a one-liner in an email. And if they don’t answer, leave a message and wait. Respect people’s time and preferred way of communication. For example, you do not speak the same native language as the one you are communicating with. They may prefer to write rather than talk to take their time, proofread, and even use a translator.

9. Your Voicemail 

You know those voicemail greetings that start with “Hey!” and then have a long pause? You think you reached the person you called, but a few seconds later, the greeting continues with, “I’m just kidding! Leave me a message.”

Do you know those? Don’t do that. 

You’re a professional. Have a professional voicemail greeting! That doesn’t mean you have to sound like a robot, but you should add information the caller may find useful. Information such as your name, business, business hours, or when they can expect to hear back from you. You can even provide an alternative way for the caller to reach you, like another phone number or your email address. 

10. Leaving a Voicemail 

Leaving a voicemail should have the same amount of information as your greeting does. Tell the caller:

  • Who you are – Your name
  • Where you are from – Your business
  • Why you are calling – The message
  • How they can reach you to return your call – Your phone number or email

Keep your voicemail short and sweet. Save the bulk of the information for the actual phone call.

Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments below!

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