Advanced Configuration in SERVERware 4.0

Written By Bicom Systems Team

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SERVERware 4.0 is jam-packed with exciting new features that we are sure our partners can not wait to get their hands on. Multiple things have been added, improved, changed, and introduced in this version of SERVERware. We already covered the increase in performance in previous blog posts’ thanks to NVMeTCP and unpacked the new backup options available. But we’re not done!

In today’s post, we will cover the less flashy but non-less critical features regarding advanced configuration that you will find in SERVERware 4.0. 

SERVERware Administrators can now: 

Evacuate VPSs from a Processing Host

In earlier versions of SERVERware, if you wanted to do some maintenance on any of your processing hosts, you would have to manually move each individual VPS from the processing host to an available one. That is extremely time-consuming if you have a lot of VPSs! Now, you can evacuate all VPSs from a processing host at the same time. 

Once the processing host is in the primary tenant state, the administrator can choose what processing host they would like to move the VPSs to by navigating a drop-down menu. After they complete the necessary maintenance, our developers added a handy ‘undo’ button that they can select. No, it won’t undo all changes you made to the host! But, it will undo the move you made of the VPSs and bring them back to their original host. 

Another useful option that the administrators can choose is to distribute the VPSs equally among the available hosts. You can divide the VPSs and add them to the remaining processing hosts and complete the required maintenance. 

Storage Pool Fragmentation Monitoring

A new alarm was added, and now administrators will be alerted when the pool fragmentation percentage goes above the provided threshold. When a storage pool is fragmented, it essentially means that it is slower, which is not ideal because the storage pool now requires more time to find free space to write new data. 

It is recommended that storage be no more than 70-80% used. However, the control of storage is in the hands of the SERVERware administrator. Therefore, our developers added this new alarm feature to influence their decision-making. 

Time Zone Update

Timezone selection is now available per city instead of selecting it on the map! It is much more convenient and intuitive to choose the correct time zone when setting up your SERVERware. 

Snapshot of Processes when IO_WAIT Alarm is Triggered

This new feature is extremely important for our partners and any SERVERware administrators! The top command in Linux is used to show processes. It provides a dynamic and real-time view of the running system. The snapshot is handy when debugging or trying to understand resource utilization. 

Now, we have a snapshot of these processes when alarms are triggered! When an IO_WAIT or CPU Usage alarm is triggered, administrators can go into the system logs and see an image of the top command in Linux. The administrator will immediately know what process was initiated, why it happened and will have more information regarding the SERVERware interface without having to search.

Above are only a few additions you will find in SERVERware 4.0. Learn more about the other new updates in SERVERware by reading the official release notes here

Did you know? SERVERware is the only virtualization platform that is optimized specifically for unified communication needs, particularly for the transmission of VoIP traffic in real-time? It is available in three different editions, Standalone, Mirror, and Cluster, to meet every business’s needs!

We offer both hosted and on-premise solutions for Unified Communications. If you are interested in selling SERVERware, reach out to our sales team! 

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